My Best Self-Care Rituals


Daily self-care rituals help us release stress and pressure that builds up inside. They also bring us back to our center and help us connect with the deep wisdom within. This empowers us to show up more vibrantly and authentically in the world for ourselves and others. Self-care accelerates our evolution.

Here are some of my current favorite self-care rituals:

  • Aloe & Lemon Water with Raw Organic Honey—on an empty stomach when I first wake up

    • fresh squeezed juice of 1 lemon

    • 2-3 inches fresh aloe plant (scoop out the gel) or 1/4 cup of aloe liquid.

    • 1 teaspoon raw honey (click the link for my favorite brand)

    • 8 oz water

    • blend and enjoy!

  • Transcendental Meditation (TM)—I am loving my TM practice, which is done twice a day for 20 minutes. It’s easy and effortless and scientifically proven to reduce stress. It’s a moment in my day that helps me connect with “Cosmic Consciousness” —that part of us that is still, calm, and peaceful. I find this to be a deeply nourishing practice that helps me remain neutral through life’s ups and downs. Click here to learn more.

  • Pink Himalayan Salt Bath with Essential Oils—I use these salts and some combo of Frankincense, Balance, and/or Citrus Bliss Essential Oils. It will dissolve negative energy and stress. Sometimes I play healing music, but I love silence too.

    • AM bath—I sometimes do this first thing in the morning if I feel like I could use it. Try it sometime—it’s such a magical way to start the day!

    • PM bath—This is a deeply relaxing ritual I often do at night before bedtime. To make it extra special I have twinkly LED lights, crystals and candles around my tub.

    • Shower—If you don’t have a bath you can always mix some of these salts with coconut oil and a few drops of your favorite essential oil, and use it as a scrub in the shower. You’ll feel silky and smell delicious.

  • 32 Ounces of Cucumber or Celery Juice—These juices are both deeply hydrating and healing. They also cleanse your intestines, leaving you feeling lighter. For a crisper juice, I usually strain my juice through a fine mesh strainer before drinking it. I currently use a Nama Juicer, which has been wonderful. (Use code NAMASUP10 for 10% off of a Nama Juicer.) Alternatively, you can buy a juicer on Amazon—I recommend a slow, masticating juicer.

  • Crystal Healing & Empowerment—Every day, I choose one or more crystals to “hang out with” that day. I choose a crystal from my collection based on intuition. If I’ve forgotten the benefits of a crystal, I will look them up so that I am reminded as I’m using it, of my intention. For example, when I write, I most often have Lapis Lazuli on my desk (or in my sports bra!) to connect with higher wisdom and support me in communicating what I wish to express. Here are some other ways I use crystals:

    • carry a few with me when I travel

    • keep a crystal in my sports bra throughout the day (just don’t forget it’s there!)

    • meditate with one that represents an intention I’m trying to magnify

    • keep a few on my nightstand

  • Cycling, Yoga & Pilates—I just completed my 152nd ride on my Peloton bike and couldn’t be happier with it. The instructors are amazing and keep me entertained as I cycle. It’s been a great way for me to stay in shape. I am also loving my MerryBody Yoga & Pilates classes—they have an easy and do-able schedule laid out for the week, which I really need and love.

  • Wholesome Skin Care—I recently discovered Good Medicine Intuitive Skin Care, which is a natural and conscious skincare company that uses wild botanicals harvested from the Southwest desert. I’m currently loving the Lomi Lomi Luscious Body Oil, and Honey Dew Youth Nectar. Every morning and night, I lovingly massage these delicious elixirs into my skin to keep it healthy and hydrated. While you are lathering yourself, it’s a great time to repeat an affirmation to yourself. My current affirmation is, “I am healthy, happy, strong, and safe.” Choose one that feels good for you.

  • Deep Breathing—A simple breathing exercise I learned recently is the Equal Part Breath. Simply inhale slowly for a count of 5 and exhale slowly for a count of 5 (you can increase the count if it feels good for you). Deepening our breath is essential to staying calm and grounded. You can do this any time of the day for 1-10 minutes. I do this before I get out of bed in the morning, and at bedtime.

What is your favorite self-care ritual? What is one loving act of self-care you want to add to your daily rituals?


Tiger’s Eye | Personal Power


Lapis Lazuli | Expanded Awareness