Healing Nature Meditations


Nature is one of the simplest and most powerful ways for us to heal and create balance in our lives. This is because we are a part of nature - our bodies contain the same elements that come from our beautiful planet and universe. Thus, staying in connection with and in tune with the intelligent rhythms of nature is essential to our wellbeing. Most of us don’t realize the importance of staying connected with nature let alone the extent to which we are disconnected from it. With the busyness of life, it’s very easy to forget (especially if you are like me and live in cold weather for most of the year).  We spend most of our time indoors at home or in an office, completely out of touch with this wealth of healing power around us. Good news is that it’s abundant, it’s always there, and we can easily tap into it. 

Here are some easy meditations that will give you some direction on how to reconnect with the healing energy of nature. 

Walking Meditation

The easiest of all, is just to take a walk down the street, in a park, on the beach or on a trail. Remember to breathe, and be present which you can do by noticing what you see, feel, hear, and smell. If your mind wanders to stressful thoughts, come back to your senses (what do you see, feel, hear, smell?).  Whether you do this alone or with others, it is a wonderful way to absorb the healing energy of nature and recharge.

Simply Sitting In Nature (5 minutes or more) 

Absorb the graceful vibes of nature by simply sitting somewhere comfortable outside for at least 5 minutes each day. It could be on your front steps, on the grass, in a tree, on a bench - wherever feels good for you. Begin by taking a deep breath and then letting it go. Be present to what’s around you—engage your senses. Just observe. Look around you…

  • What do you see? Maybe trees gently swaying, flowers beginning to peek out of the dirt, joyful birds dancing in the sky. 

  • What do you hear? Maybe the sound of a breeze, birds chirping, or wind chimes

  • What do you feel? Maybe the sun on your face, the winds’ caress, or the cold or warm air on your skin

  • What do you smell? Maybe it’s cherry blossoms, the delicious scent of a wood-burning fireplace, or just the fresh, sweet air

Feel the energy of the outdoors being absorbed into your body and washing away any tension. Enjoy these feelings and sensations for at least 5 minutes and remember to breathe. 

Sunbathing Meditation (5-15 minutes)

The warm, calming energy of the sun’s rays do more than provide us with Vitamin D, they uplift and energize our spirit. The sun is soul food and a daily dose will do you good. Find a spot outside if it’s warm and either sit comfortably or lay in the sun, allowing your skin to drink up the healing rays. If it’s cold outside, find a little sunspot in your house and get cozy like a cat or dog would (maybe put your yoga mat down or a soft fuzzy blanket). 

  • Take a deep breath in, and a long breath out. 

  • Notice the feeling of the sun on your face and on your body.

  • Imagine the warm rays filling your body with the loving and healing energy of the sun.

  • Enjoy these feelings of being deeply nourished. 

  • Maybe drift off and allow yourself to take a little nap.

Stargazing Meditation (3-5 minutes)

I shared this meditation in my blog post, Dropping Into God Consciousness. It’s a meditation that I have done intuitively since I was a child and still do. It is always so deeply healing and nourishing and immediately puts any challenges I have into perspective. It reminds me of something called the “overview effect” which is a cognitive shift in awareness that some astronauts experience while viewing our magnificent planet from space—seeing this blue dot hanging in the void and the paper thin atmosphere invokes a sense of bliss, peace and enlightenment. Astronauts have reported that from above all national borders vanish and they realize that we are truly one.  This meditation has always had a similar effect on me. Ok, here we go… 

  • In the evening, when the sky is clear, head on outside and be present with the sky. 

  • Take a deep breath in, and a long breath out… let it all go. 

  • Just look at how the stars twinkle as if to wink at you and remind you “I got you, my love.” 

  • Imagine the glowing white light from the stars, filling your body and washing away any stress. 

  • Let the stars, the sky and the moon put life into perspective and remind you that you are part of something way bigger—something deep, magical, and magnificent. 

  • Allow yourself to feel fully loved, protected, supported and guided by the Universe.  

  • Spend 3-5 minutes soaking up the magic.

Simple, right? Enjoy these meditations and let me know which one you tried in the comments below. What did you notice? How will you get outside in nature more?

If you know someone that could benefit from these meditations, please share.


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