Alex Anzalone

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Envision Your Future Self

As we step into a new year, it's the perfect time for you to envision your future self and create the life you desire.

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine: What does your future self feel like? What emotions do you want to embody?

Dr. Joe Dispenza, neuroscientist and consciousness researcher, reminds us that the practice of envisioning and feeling new mental and emotional states reshapes our reality. Take, for example, the desire for a loving relationship. How do you want to feel in that connection? Safe, connected, and open, perhaps?

When it comes to financial abundance, it's crucial to understand what money truly represents for you. For many, the core desire is actually freedom. Close your eyes again and imagine the essence of true freedom. Do you feel empowered, inspired, and expansive?

As we regularly practice feeling and embodying elevated emotional states, we start to attune our body and energy field to higher vibrational frequencies. This resonance allows us to access new possibilities by attracting people, circumstances, insights and abilities that align with and amplify these elevated states. Our embodied frequency serves as a magnetizing force that can reorganize our lives to better reflect our highest visions.

Daily Ritual

Take 2-5 minutes at the beginning of each day to envision your future self. Sit with your eyes closed, take a few cleansing breaths, and visualize this magnificent future with as much detail as possible engaging all of your senses. Truly inhabit the emotional states you wish to embody–let gratitude, excitement, joy, love, freedom, and expansion infuse every cell of your being.

My Favorite Things for Manifesting


Crystals can be powerful allies in embodying your future self. Pyrite, with its vibrant gold color, is a stone of manifestation and abundance. It grounds you in the present, shields against negativity, boosts personal power, and transmutes lower energies into positivity. Consider it a companion on your journey. One of the best ways to connect with your crystal is to hold it in your hand or put it in a place you’ll see all day. You can also meditate with it, placing it over a chakra that feels most aligned. Just let your intuition guide you.

Anima Mundi Herbal Astrology Oracle Deck

For an additional tool in your manifesting toolkit, explore the Anima Mundi Herbal Astrology Oracle Deck. This deck shares the connection between healing plants and astrology, offering guidance and wisdom to align you with the energies of the universe and empower your manifesting journey.

As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, let's remember the power of love, compassion, authenticity, pleasure, and hope. Join me in creating a vision for your future, grounded in heart-centered values, a deep connection with nature, and an abundance that extends beyond material wealth.

Wishing you a month filled with self-discovery, joy, and the courage to embrace your authentic self.

With Love,